I finally broke down and bought a new DVD player. The time had come to retire my old worn out VCR. The problem was I had no DVD’s to play on it, which of course lead to buying some movies. K-Mart of course doesn't carry much except the usual Hollywood garbage of which I bought 4. Two of them were absolutely awful and I shut them off after just a few scenes. UGH! The garbage they call movies these days is unbelievable.
Anyway. Yesterday I went to the local Catholic bookstore and purchased some Catholic ones. I was lamenting that many seemed produced in Europe and I would have to read subtitles which I hate, but it had to be better than the garbage they put out for entertainment here.
The first one was in English and was fantastic even though I had already watched it on EWTN. The next one I watched today, sub-titles of course and I am absolutely astounded by the life of Venerable Don Carlo Gnocchi (pro-nounced - No-Chi) I was so interested that I googled some more about him and to my delight, I discovered he will be beatified tomorrow.
I highly recommend this film. What wonderful servants of God we have in Heaven.
He founded "The Don Carlo Gnocchi Foundazione" for disabled children which is well-respected and continues to thrive in Italy today. It has expanded its care to elderly people who are unable take care of themselves and for terminal cancer patients. On January 17th, 2009 a miracle attributed to Venerable Don Carlo Gnocchi was promulgated by Pope Benedict XVI and he will be beatified on October 25th, 2009.